Sofas and Stuff
Sofas and Stuff Sofas and Stuff

Rust Wool Sofas

Introducing our British Bespoke Handmade Rust Wool Sofas by Sofas & Stuff

Our rust wool sofas are available in a variety of beautiful rust colours including Harris Tweed House Bracken Herringbone (shown below), click on your preferred sofa style then select your desired rust wool fabric from our collections.

  • Cloth 22 - Barcode: Fallen Leaf
  • Cloth 22 - Pinstripe: Fallen Leaf
  • Harris Tweed House: Rust
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Sofas & Stuff showrooms

You'll receive a warm welcome when you visit one of our 24 beautiful showrooms. We'll give you the time and space to explore our collections at your pace, but we'll be right on hand to help you make the perfect choice.

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